Monday, October 1, 2012

A Doodle Diary: September 2012

My younger sister turns 16.

Problems with short hair:

An adorable pair of brothers were riding around their little bicycles while wearing superhero costumes.

A Doodle Diary: undated

More movie thoughts.

1. The Avengers

2. Brave

A Doodle Diary: December 2011

December had just this one doodle to it. Another ode to Pinoy commuting.

A Doodle Diary: November 2011

How sad is it that these doodles were done like memes.

One part observation, one part meaness, the rest just plain old bogglement.

A Doodle Diary: October 2011

October started with a thesis defense.

Big-Ass Stuff You Can Buy


A Doodle Diary: August 2011

August movie thoughts: why do they have titles that have nothing to do with the movie, basically?

1. "The Devil's Backbone"

A Doodle Diary: September 2011

Oh Jemain Clement. I could never do your dorky visage justice.

Something vaguely fashion-related.

Another Rant: how original!